Pan African Speakers Summit
Join Speakers in Africa!
The Pan African Speaker Summit, now in its 3rd year, aims to bring together speakers in Africa, to support speakers in Africa.
This summit allows us to share insight, tools and skills to improve our professional speaking business, build strong networks and raise our speaking profiles.
Speakers Network
The Pan Africa Speaker Summit aims to build a network between our speakers and our speaker associations. This event is co-hosted by the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA) and the Virtual Speakers Association International (VSAI). PSASA and VSAI are members of the Global Speakers Federation.
The Summit
This year’s summit is over a day and a half, starting on Friday evening with networking and then building through Saturday with presentations, conversations, break-out rooms and tonnes, and tonnes of resources and value.
The talks are aimed to help us as speakers to learn more and raise our level of professionalism. We want to discuss things such as:
- Working on / in your business
- Transitioning from your day job to full time professional speaking
- Skills required to building a sustainable speaking business
- Business models for speaking businesses
- Exploring various modalities such as speaking, training, virtual presenting etc
- How to make your story / message relevant for other parts of the world
- What a speaker career path looks like
The Speakers
Well our speakers are you! If you have content to share around or related to any of the topics and ideas above, then please respond to our Call for Speakers.
The Associations
This event is being organised by Voices Into Africa, on behalf of our speaker associations. Speaker Associations exist to support the community of speakers in their region. They provide community, support, networking, education and access to opportunities. However speakers associations are not speaker agents. They are not designed to get you speaking engagements, but will help you to learn what you need so that you have a better chance of being successful.
We encourage you to consider membership of your local association, or if there isn’t an association in your region, to look at membership of the Virtual Speakers Association International who caters for speakers who don’t have a home association.
You don’t need to be a member of a speaker association to be part of this summit. All speakers in, or from Africa, are invited to join us.
The Associations
The Sponsors
Previous Versions