3rd Annual Pan African Speakers Summit: Destiny’s Drumbeat

I’m really delighted that Charlotte Kemp and a few others decided to have something that brings Public Speakers together from across Africa. As simple as that sounds, it can be one of the most complicated things to do when you think about bringing experts into one room.

The organisation of the event, the choice of speakers and the quality of presentations were nothing short of world class.

From the first few hours of day 1, speakers were already seeing there’s always more to learn from others. That powerful opening prepared our minds for day which had engaging breakout sessions with thought leaders in the professional speaking space.

Overall, the organizers outdid themselves through a carefully thought out program, choice of speakers and quality of presentations.

Thank you and please do more
Fola Daniel Adelesi

The Pan Africa Speakers Summit was one of the best events I’ve attended this year. What stood out most was how much I learned in such a short space of time. This is a testament to the high calibre of speakers and the generosity with which they shared their expertise. It was also clear that great care was taken to select a diverse range of topics.. This further added to the richness and value of the program.

One of the key benefits of events like this is the new relationships it fosters. It was gratifying to see how many participants reached out to me afterwards – I have lots of meetings lined up with skilled, inspiring people! Huge thanks to the organizers for doing an amazing job. I’m very much looking forward to next year.
Annie Olufuwa Storytelling Strategist with Story’d