As a budding Professional Speaker I have been taught to grab any speaking opportunity that I can find, so when I was asked to speak at the 3rd Pan African Speakers Summit on the 17th of August I jumped at the chance.

To share the virtual stage with internationally acclaimed speakers is a huge privilege and one that helped lift my speaking presence to the next level.

This event, put together by Voices into Africa, is the chance for African speakers to come together share their story, insights, and innovative ideas and this years event provided exactly this.

I would be remiss to pick out my favourite talk as each speaker delivered unique nuggets of huge value in their own right. The most amazing thing for me is how everyone shared their wisdom openly, passionately and with the mindset to uplift and positively impact the audience.

And this was my intention too.
I shared some of my story “From Burn-out to Break-through” and had everyone blowing a feather as a demonstration that conscious breathing is the power behind moving out of a stress state to find clarity and create a growth mindset.

Thank you to the organising committee for your time and dedication to helping uplift the speaker community in Africa.

See you all on stage soon.

Tim Wagner
International Speaker and Breathwork Alchemist