Speaker Masterminds

A great way to improve our speaking businesses is to share and collaborate with colleagues. To help us to connect, network, learn and grow, Voices Into Africa is hosting a regular mastermind for West Africa and one for East Africa. Masterminds allow us to learn from each other and to develop a community that understands our challenges and aspirations.

There is no charge for the mastermind and it will be held online via Zoom. This is also not a speaker association. In fact, we hope that as the speaking community gets to connect more in various parts of Africa, that it will strengthen the local speaker associations for the benefit of all their members.

Should you wish to join, please send a message and indicate where you are in Africa so that we can connect you with the correct group. Remember to provide your WhatsApp number so that you can be added to the correct WhatsApp group.

West Africa’s meeting dates

7.30 PM CAT (please check your time zone)

19 March

23 April

21 May

18 June

East Africa’s Meeting Dates

6.30 PM CAT (please check your time zone)

21 March

25 April

23 May

20 June